Comparative Analysis Essay Writing Guide

  • Apr 09, 2019

Being a student is not an easy thing, and we all know it.

Every day, you have to cope with tons of assignments that weigh on you like bricks, blocking that amazing free life from view. Not knowing how to deal with everything may eventually make you crumble down, but we won't let that happen! Today, we will be dealing with one of the trickiest tasks out there - a comparative analysis essay.

Our tips will tell you how to write a comparative analysis essay, so you get the best ideas as well as the best score! Before we get into it, make sure you have thoroughly studied the task and your professor's requirements and recommendations. Writing a comparative analysis essay may become a tricky thing for those who don't follow the rules. An essay is a written work which requires you to read, analyze, conduct research, and think critically when dissecting the topic you were given. Do not confuse with the critical analysis essay, though! That one is a different guide.

A comparative analysis essay is no exception. As a rule, you will have some time to work on the essay and submit the paper, so don't wait until the last minute! Your muse may be too far this time, but your final grade results are much closer.

Exploring the Meaning

Generally speaking, you are expected to contrast and compare something which is defined in your assignment or essay questions. In academics, comparative analysis is used to compare and contrast two different theories, ideas, two schools of thoughts, two scientific techniques, or any two historical personalities. It means that comparative analysis definition is the comparison of two (or more) ideas such as theories, statements, techniques, or people.

Start your work process from the essay question analysis. Make sure you've read the instructions and know which essay you are to write. Read the essay question once more and make a list of similar and different features between the items you need to analyze. If you are not sure about the basis of your comparison, check more sources and conduct some research. The paper must be carefully planned, so take your time to read and take notes!

Comparative Analysis Essay Structure

The next step is organizing your comparative analysis essay outline. What do you need?

First, an introduction!

  • The hook - an interesting or intriguing sentence. It can be some piece of statistics, an anecdote, or a personal story that creates a bond between you and the reader.
  • Relevant background information linked to the essay theme.
  • A thesis statement that informs the reader about the contents of the essay and motivates them to take an interest in your writing.

The second step is to come up with a good body structure.

It's not a secret that, usually, essays have a minimum of five paragraphs, where an introduction is the first one, the next three cover the body of the text, and the last paragraph is an essay conclusion.


Don't get confused if there are more than three paragraphs in the main text! It is in no way against the rules. The most important thing is that all those parts are logically connected, and each starts with a topic sentence. Make sure that each paragraph provides facts, citations and other evidence to support your idea expressed in the topic sentence.

The main point about the body of comparative analysis is that every paragraph is focused on drawing similarities or differences between certain subjects. First, you need to determine what you are analyzing. Then, choose one of the following tactics:

  1. One paragraph - one point. Dedicate each paragraph to discussing one point of reference to each of the compared questions. This way, you'll likely have more paragraphs than usually, but that is inevitable when you're creating a masterpiece!
  2. One paragraph - one subject of analysis. Every subject is dissected individually in first and second passages, with the third one being the point where you draw them together to make the final comparison.

Last but not least - an effective conclusion. Don't think no one reads them! It may cost you a lot because some professors are more likely to look at the body only after they looked at the introduction and conclusion. The info your conclusion must have includes restatement of your analysis essay thesis and the main ideas expressed in the topic sentences. That shows you are confident in the contents and have covered all the questions planned in the introduction.


Comparative Analysis Essay Topics

We hope this article helps you take the best decision in your essay writing strategy. Our tips are provided by experienced writers, so you can be confident in their relevance. Use them to check how effective they are. Here are several essay topics for you to get the full picture of the matter.

  1. Male vs. female views on marriage.
  2. The Art of Ancient Greece and the Renaissance - are there more differences than similarities?
  3. Politics and ideology. What's the connection between the two aspects?
  4. Traditional education and online education - what is the future?
  5. American English and British English: determine the major differences.

The info we shared with you gives the key ideas that any student needs to get started. Unfortunately, knowing how to do something doesn't guarantee everyone can cope with the task.

The best solution is to remember a simple rule - practice makes perfect. However, when you feel your deadlines start to burn you out of the normal life, feel free to hit us up to survive the writing stress. Order from our essay writing company and spare yourself the headache. We don't care why you decided to place an order here!


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