Expository Essay Writing Guide
- Jul 05, 2018
Probably every student is familiar with the rhetorical modes (also the modes of discourse). This term is used to describe the conventions of communication, written or spoken. There are four primary modes - narration, description, exposition, and argumentation. Professors often assign these kinds of essays as homework or include them in the examination. That's why it is important to master the skill of writing such assignments. In this article, we are going to focus on how to write an expository essay. Be prepared to take lots of notes! It is vital that you understand what an expository essay is, how you need to approach it, and what goes where. Don't worry, though! It's not a hard task, and if you pay enough attention, you will develop a knack for writing an expository essay. It is crucial because you have a lot riding on your ability to write well. A college is a place where you have to submit something regularly, so why not learn how to do it properly? Let's dive into the beautiful land of learning how to write a good expository essay.
Table of contents:
What is an expository essay?
First things first, what is an expository essay? Like you already know, it is one of the main modes of rhetorical communication. When writing an expository essay, you focus on a particular matter, issue, or even a person, and expound on it. You investigate an idea, analyze it, define and describe it. Then, you evaluate that idea and propose an argument concerning some parts of it or the whole thing. This is basically the expository essay definition. As you can see, you will have to bring in your analytical and research skills to get outstanding results.
The next question that can arise in your mind is, "What is the purpose of an expository essay?" Well, like with everything in college, it is assigned as a means of testing the student's abilities. Writing, research conducting, analyzing, the ability to think in the way of rhetorical discourse, etc. The same old thing, but put in a different way. Yes, you need to write your usual essay, but with a few differences in mind. Have no time for all that? Order get your one day essay writing here and forget about any deadlines!
In order to create an excellent expository essay, try to find a topic that interests you and encourages digging deeper. That way it should be easier for you to write, and it might also make your essay more "alive." The readers can tell if the author was not completely "into it." And, as a result, they eventually get bored and stop reading. Yes, your essay will most likely be read by your professor only, but you never know! Imagine that you're giving a speech in front of a hundred bored people. Make them listen to you, and, most importantly, hear you!
You are probably already aware of it from your past writing experiences, but essay composing includes a lot of research. You'll have to dig through books, journals, and web-pages in order to find substantial claims and evidence supporting your arguments. You also need reliable sources to adequately convey the meaning and background of an idea you're writing about. Be prepared to read and analyze a lot.
Expository essay structure
The basic thing about any essay is the way it is built. You take an introduction (with the thesis in it, of course), main body paragraphs, and a conclusion - and you get an expository essay structure. Sounds easy, doesn't it? But there is, of course, a crafty little thing about what to put in those parts. Allow us to introduce you to the extended version of a standard expository essay outline. We're going to talk about these different parts and their purpose. Grab a notebook!
When all the research is done, and the actual writing comes in, you might encounter a pretty obvious question, "How to start an expository essay?" You'll want to open your paper with a proper hook sentence. Make your reader interested and intrigued right away. Use a quote, or an anecdote, or share some interesting story or fact about the idea. Provide that background data you've dug up at your research stage. Maybe you should even pose a question to create suspense.
Another thing that goes into the introductory part, yet is separated from the opening sentences, is an expository essay thesis statement. Your thesis is like that "welcome" doormat that shows your reader what to expect inside. Some have the "we're glad to have you" on them, and some have "go away." You, of course, want to put up the thesis that will make your readers curious or even fascinated and encourage them to read further. You could've guessed already that the structure is like a path. And you are the guide who leads the reader through certain milestones. Your thesis must include a list of things you are going to talk about in your essay. What is the central idea of your paper? Do not leave your expository essay thesis-less! It is a vital part that cannot be omitted.
Once again, you are probably already aware, but each section of an expository essay has components that must be included. There's a shortcut for you because the structure of each body paragraph is the same. The content is what changes. How to write a body paragraph for an expository essay? Well, follow the scheme below, and you'll be just fine.
- Topic sentence.
Here you put forth an idea you've already mentioned in the thesis. Note that you should use separate paragraphs for each point! It is not a mix-and-match situation. - The background.
Present the information (you've researched) that relates directly to your topic sentence. But, don't repeat the introduction. Try to go with something new, but equally compelling. - Examples.
Evidence! Here, present proper evidence. You can boast about your ideas forever, but not a lot of people will take you seriously if you don't provide them with proof. How can you support your statement? Why does (or doesn't) it work? What makes you think you are correct? Give facts to your readers!
And that's it! This simple, little plan on writing your expository essay body paragraphs is the same for each of them. The quantity depends on your own vision. Usually, you need to include 2-3 points, but making your essay even stronger by adding more paragraphs is entirely up to you.
The finishing line is here. The last part of your essay is nigh. It is, of course, your conclusion. You may already know what goes into a simple ending section, but how to write a conclusion for an expository essay? Don't gasp too loudly because there is virtually no difference. Just like with any other essay, the first thing you do is going over the essay. Remind yourself what you've put in there and why. Focus on your thesis and main paragraph points and summarize them in your conclusion. Be cautious not to repeat your thesis statement word for word. Remember that in the first paragraph you proposed something. How did it turn out? In which ways did you get here? What did you achieve? Talk about that in your conclusion part.
Expository essay format is basically the same thing as the structure, so you're probably wondering why this part is even included in this article. But don't be confused, for we want to provide you with one more tip regarding the formatting of your paper. Imagine that your essay is a hamburger. The bottom bun is your exemplary research. You did it so well that it's deliciously crusty and full-bodied. The sauce is your introduction. You lay it down smoothly, adding flavor and attracting your reader's attention. Meat and veggies are your body paragraphs - they are the main thing, the taste and the incredibly good smell of your essay hamburger. And the top bun is the conclusion. It summarizes and adds to the palate, with your final points sprinkled on it like sesame seeds. And with this little culinary analogy, you have your incredible expository essay!
Also, don't forget to add the condiments - check your essay over. Make sure it's properly edited and styled. Proofread it a couple of times as a final touch. Maybe, let someone else taste it. If something is missing, someone who's new to the essay might spot it.
Good expository essay topics
We're still not ready to say goodbye! Here are some good expository essay ideas for you to think over. We want you to succeed, so we've put together a little list for you to reference.
- Celebrity crimes - why do famous people have privileges when it comes to the law.
- Tax policy in your city.
- Preventable mental illnesses.
- The popularity of action movies.
- The impact of television on the young generation.
- Whatever happened to Blockbuster?
- Apple deliberately slows down their older iPhone models.
- Modern art - is it really art?
- Racial and gender discrimination in multinational corporations.
We hope that we gave you something to think about! Take our advice, implement it in your work, and come out on the other side with an astonishing expository essay. But, if there is no time to write this type of task, you can always count on our experts and order it from us. Break a leg!